Mission Highlight
Each month we highlight one of the missions we have partnered with.
Sanctity of Life walk in Hollister
Jan 11, 2025 at 9am
Sacred Heart to Downtown walk, following a prayer service.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45 NIV
Our pastors lead this dedicated team of men and women who pray for, nurture, and lead our ministries and congregation. This leadership team of "elders" are elected church officers.
Men and women filled with compassion and mercy enjoy serving on this team. Deacons help lead our church by caring for our church family, serving communion, visiting shut-ins, and so much more!
Ministry Teams
Music and Worship Team
At Christ Fellowship, we hope to fill our sanctuary with Christ-centered worship because we believe it invites God’s presence and transforms lives! We would not be able to create this atmosphere without the help of our Music Ministry led by our Music Director, Rachel Romina.
Building and Grounds Team
Christ Fellowship’s beautiful campus is maintained with the help of volunteers. Each month you can join us for a workday, with indoor and outdoor projects. Let us know if you have expertise in construction, gardening, painting, or other areas!
Community Life Team
As we foster the building of community on our campus, we need volunteers to plan, organize, and host events each month. That is where our community life team comes in! If you have a passion for bringing people together, this is the team for you.
Christ Fellowship is committed to devoting ten percent of our annual giving fund to missions. As a church we serve our neighbors by supporting local missions, as well as follow Jesus’ call to make disciples by supporting global missions. If you are interested in working with our missions committee, contact the office for more information!
SE Asia & India
Wycliffe, Peru
Jim & Cindy Boyer
Scott & Anna Contival
Cuba & Central America
Alex & Marta Gorelik
Uttar Pradesh, India
Jeremy & Molly West
Indian Bible College
Daniel & Coreen Esplin
Kake, Alaska
Joey & Heaa Chang
Kakamega, Kenya
Billie Barret & Pastor Ernest Akhonya
At Christ Fellowship, we refer to our local missions as Mercy Ministries. The Salvation Army, Community Food Bank, and Emmaus House are a few. You can help support the Community Food Bank even further all year by putting nonperishable food in the barrel Sunday morning!
Throughout the year, we hear of need outside our current missions. We try to support these special circumstances in whatever way we can. In the past this included projects of collecting gift cards for the victims of fires in Paradise, California. In addition, each Christmas Eve we collect a special offering. This year 100% of our Christmas Eve offering went to Mercy Ministries.